Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Steps Followed & Issues faced while Migration

1.       Opened the application developed with VS 2008 solution with VS 2010.
2.       Conversion took place automatically with help of Wizards.
3.       Removed the references of .Net frame work 3.5.
4.       Added references of .Net Framework 4.0.
5.       Opened properties window of all the projects and changed the framework to 4.0
6.       Download and installed the Web Deployment Setup for VS 2010.
7.       Deployed the build.
8.       Created Virtual directory in the server
9.       Installed .Net Framework 4.0 in hosting Server.
10.   Created a separate Application pool for the .Net Frame work 4.0     
[Since two different .Net Frame works cannot run on the same application pool]
11.   Changed the Version on the Virtual Directory to .Net 4.0

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