Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why we go for VS2010 V4.0 in our application

Managed Languages
There are same great enhancements to the set of managed languages in Visual Studio 2010. Not only do C# and Visual Basic continue to evolve together as premier languages in Visual Studio, but we also added a new functional programming language called F#. 

In this unit, we'll cover the enhancements to ASP.NET in the .NET Framework 4. You'll learn about changes to WebForms, AJAX and Dynamic Data and you'll get introduced to ASP.NET MVC, now included in the framework. 

Data Platform
Almost every application needs to interact with data. In this unit, you'll learn about the enhancements to the .NET Framework's data access technologies including ADO.NET Entity Framework and OData protocol support. 

Windows Communication Foundation and Workflow
Windows Communication Foundation and Workflow are significantly improved in the .NET Framework 4. In this unit, you'll learn about the improvements to both as well as the integration of the two which make it easy to expose Workflows as services. 

Parallel Computing
Parallel computing is an important focus in the .NET Framework 4 as developers create applications that can take full advantage of multi-core processors. In this unit, you'll learn about the new additions to the .NET Framework to make developing parallel code easier. 

Silverlight 4 enhances the building of business applications, media applications, and applications that reach beyond the browser. In this unit, you will see key aspects of building business applications with Silverlight 4. 

Application Lifecycle Management
Visual Studio 2010 includes a first-class set of Application Lifecycle Management tools. In this unit, we'll cover several of the new ALM features in Visual Studio 2010. 

Windows Azure
Windows Azure is an internet-scale cloud computing and services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers, which provides an operating system and a set of developer services which can be used individually or together. In this unit, you will explore the basic elements of a Windows Azure service.

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